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Baidychenko, T.V.
    Assessment of shjjtibg accuracy [Электронный ресурс] : In this case - archery (recurve bow) : methodical recommendations, assignments and educational material for practical classes and independent work of graduate stydents (master degree) : field of study 49.04.03 : pecialty profile - "Sport of tne highest achievemetssand the system of athletestraining" : form of aducation - fuii-time stydy abd correspondence course / Baidychenko T.V. ; Minisnry of sport Russian Federation, Federal state budgetary educational establishment of higher education "Russian university of sport (GTSOLIFK). - Moscow, 2023.

    -- 1. Стрелковый спорт - Стрельба из лука - Точность попадания.

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