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Дмитриев, С.В.
    Смыслопорождающие механизмы деятельностного сознания личности творца = Denotation Beget Mechanisms of Active Consciousness of Creator's Personality
    // Физ. культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка. - 2001. - № 2. - С. 4-10.

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FKVOT/2001N2/p4-10.htm

    -- 1. Творческий подход. 2. Духовность. 3. Личность. 4. Антропотехника. 5. Сознание. 6. Теоретический аспект. 7. Самосовершенствование. 8. Социокультурологический подход. 9. Ценностные ориентации. 10. Образ. 11. Психология личности. 12. Телесность. 13. Подготовка физкультурных кадров. 14. Образование физкультурное.

    УДК 796.077.5               ГРНТИ
                                ГРНТИ 15.21.51
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.11

    The major problem of a personality's formation is his creative development. It is accepted to consider, that a personality becomes creative during education, treatment and training - it is enough to train a human to methods of heuristic and innovative activity. However it is necessary to mean, that there are creative persons and creators. The paradox of creative self-consciousness is fixed in the article. The personality solving a problem by creative methods is creative, but not always is a creator. "I am-conscious" does not create. "I am-understanding" does not create. "I am-reflexing" does not create. Another "I am" creates, which there is in so-called "a dialogue field of intersubjectivity", arising in extreme wide sociocultural system "I am and the World". One author's name is "super I am", others - as "superconsciousness", the third - by the sociocultural intermediaries between "I am" and "Another I am".

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