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Истягина-Елисеева, Е.А.
    Основные направления паблик рилейшнз в международном олимпийском движении = Basic Directions of Public Relations in International Olympic Movement / Истягина-Елисеева Е.А., Кружков Д.А.
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2001. - № 7. - С. 15-17.

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2001N7/p15-17.htm

    -- 1. Олимпийское движение. 2. Информатизация. 3. Новые технологии. 4. Паблик рилейшнз. 5. Пропаганда спорта. 6. Интернет. 7. МОК. 8. Контроль. 9. Координация. 10. Информационное обеспечение. 11. Радиовещание. 12. Таблица. 13. Средства массовой информации. 14. Пресса. 15. Телевидение спортивное. 16. Общество и спорт. 17. Искусство и спорт. 18. История развития. 19. Связи с общественностью.

    УДК 796:032                 ГРНТИ 77.01.29
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.39
                                ГРНТИ 77.31.13
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.09

    The efficiency of any international project directly depends on the necessity to keep the public support, to unite the people of different sights and belief. Today IOC has it's own press-service and PR-department. The basic tasks of these services are: 1. The interrelation with mass-media. This work is conducted under the direction of several IOC commissions (on communications with press, radio, TV, complex mass-media) and the department of the control and coordination of an activity. The activity of the named divisions in many respects forms the public opinion, determines the importance of the Olympic movement. 2. The formation of the public opinion. The crisis factors undermine the image of the IOC, as the serious and the authoritative structure. Therefore the IOC carrying out the open policy, giving to the public the information on all kinds of the activity in time. 3. The participation in public life. The IOC actively participates in the public actions, patronizing the large sports competitions. The large efforts are applied to the development and distribution of the little-known national kinds of sports. The IOC members conduct work on the ideals and principles of the Olympism distribution in the whole world countries.

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