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Белоцерковский, З.Б.
    Динамика артериального давления в условиях физических нагрузок у юных теннисистов разного возраста и пола = Dynamics of Arterial Pressure in Conditions of Physical Loads of Young Tennis Players of Different Age and Sex / Белоцерковский З.Б., Любина Б.Г., Горелов В.А.
    // Физ. культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка. - 2001. - № 4. - С. 19-22. - Библиогр. (3 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FKVOT/2001N4/p19-22.htm

    -- 1. Возрастные особенности. 2. Кровообращение. 3. Динамика. 4. Половые особенности. 5. Сердечный ритм. 6. Нагрузка физическая. 7. Юношеский спорт. 8. Теннис. 9. Методика исследования. 10. Электрокардиография. 11. Эхокардиография. 12. Нагрузка велоэргометрическая. 13. Частота сердечных сокращений. 14. Сердце. 15. Гемодинамика. 16. Мальчики. 17. Девочки. 18. Физиология спортивная. 19. Возрастная физиология. 20. Контроль врачебный.

    УДК 61:796                  ГРНТИ 76.35.41
                                ГРНТИ 77.05.05
                                ГРНТИ 77.29.57
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.23

    The purpose of this research was to study the features of the system arterial pressure reaction as the reply to the physical loads of young tennis players of different age and sex. The data presented in the article are based on the results of the survey of 93 children and teenagers aged 9-16, who were regularly engaged by tennis from 6-7 years of age. The precise age changes of internal structures of a heart are marked in the examined children. There was determined, that with the each year of life, and consequently, with the increase of the sports experience, the degree of changes of these physiological parameters in young tennis players is the more significant, than in their coevals, who are not engaged by sports. Thus if the sizes of the left heart ventricle cavity at 9-10 aged boys (not trained and athletes) were about identical, in 15-16 aged tennis players the size of these parameters was on 30-40% more, than in teenagers, who are not engaged by sports. The similar tendency of the influence of occupations by sports comes to light by the comparison of other echocardiography parameters also.

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