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Корнеева, И.Т.
    Гемодинамика и вегетативный статус у юных спортсменов с дисплазиями соединительной ткани сердца = Hemodynamics and Vegetative Status in Young Athletes with Dysplasia of Connective Tissue of Heart / Корнеева И.Т., Поляков С.Д., Смирнов И.Е.
    // Физ. культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка. - 2001. - № 4. - С. 23-26, 39. - Библиогр. (9 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FKVOT/2001N4/p23-26,39.htm

    -- 1. Нагрузка. 2. Работоспособность. 3. Вегетативная нервная система. 4. Юношеский спорт. 5. Сердце. 6. Гемодинамика. 7. Кровообращение. 8. Сердечно-сосудистая система. 9. Контроль врачебный. 10. Методика исследования. 11. Таблица. 12. Сердечный ритм. 13. Виды спорта.

    УДК 661:796                 ГРНТИ 76.35.41

    The aim of this paper was to examine the changes in the circulation and in the vegetative status young athletes with the syndrome of the dysplasia of the connective tissue of a heart. 88 young athletes of 11-14 years of age engaged in the sports swimming, volleyball, synchronized swimming, judo with the sports experience 2-4 years and the sports qualification from 3-rd up to 1-st adult category were surveyed. The received data allow to assume, that the young athletes with the normokinetic type of the circulation practically does not participate in the maintenance of the cardiac output in the condition of the rest. It is coordinated with the idea about the economisation of functions in the circulation system, especially expressed at the endurance training. The young athletes with the hyperkinetic type of the circulation are insufficiently adapted to perform the endurance work. It is necessary to recommend for the young athletes with the hyperkinetic type of the circulation the volumetric, less intensive loads, and the increase of the loads volume in the favor-growing mode for the young athletes with the normokinetic type of the circulation.

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