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Туманов, А.А.
    Единоборство "Тризна" как средство спортивно-патриотического воспитания: проблемы и перспективы = Single Combat "Trizna" as Mean of Sports-Patriotic Education, Problem and Prospect
    // Физ. культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка. - 2002. - № 1. - С. 26, 39-40. - Библиогр. (4 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FKVOT/2002N1/p26,39-40.htm

    -- 1. Кулачный бой. 2. Молодежь. 3. Проблемы и перспективы. 4. Единоборства. 5. Борьба. 6. Воспитание патриотическое. 7. Игровые приемы. 8. Игры детей. 9. Традиция. 10. Правила. 11. Рукопашный бой. 12. Национальные виды спорта. 13. История спорта. 14. Русское боевое искусство. 15. Trizna. 16. Wrestling. 17. Box and hand-to-hand fight. 18. Primordially Russian single combats. 19. Sports-patriotic work.

    УДК 796.89                  ГРНТИ

    The word trizna is not known, or associates with commemoration. The "trizna" is not the funeral feast on the died, but the fighting games, the special ceremonies, called to drive away death from survived, demonstration of their viability. The "trizna" means wrestling, competition and corresponds to the Greek words, meaning competitions in the palestra or in the stadium. The triznische is the arena, the stadium, the place of competitions. The funeral games of warriors (trizna) consist of competition in riding of chariots, box and hand-to-hand fight, wrestling, the throwing of the disk and the shooting from the bow. The expensive prizes intended to the winner in the each kind of competitions. The author's idea is to revive martial arts of the Russian ancestors. The author had developed the rules of the single combat "Trizna" on the sections: wrestling, box and hand-to-hand fight in their organic interrelation in 1979 on the basis of the analysis of historical traditions of Russian people and requirements of real life. Russia has some kinds of national single combats: "Trizna", "Kolo", "Sobor", "Kozachij Spas", "Buza", "Slada", "Kadochnikov's Style", "Wall-to-Wall Fight", "Lubki" - and all of them are "outside of the law" and are not supported by the state. It would be desirable to trust that sooner or later the Russians shall cease to be "foreigners" in their own country and the state will recognize, that except for foreign kinds of sports there are also national kinds of martial arts and trainers, capable to carry out sports-patriotic educational work with youth.

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