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Шанина, Г.Е.
    Межполушарная асимметрия как фактор, лимитирующий проявления высших психических функций : (Обзор лит. отечеств. и зарубеж. авт.) = Hemispheres Asymmetry as Factor Limiting Displays of Maximum Mental Functions (Review of literature of domestic and foreign authors)
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2002. - № 6. - С. 45-48. - Библиогр. (27 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2002N6/p45-48.htm

    -- 1. Асимметрия. 2. Патологические процессы. 3. Заболевания психические. 4. Интеллект. 5. Левша. 6. Правша. 7. Обзор литературы. 8. Мозг. 9. Психические функции. 10. Резервные возможности. 11. Онтогенез. 12. Инсульт. 13. Мышление. 14. Эмоции. 15. Асимметрия моторная. 16. Асимметрия психомоторная. 17. Детский возраст. 18. Память. 19. Психология личности. 20. Невроз. 21. Медицина. 22. Психиатрия. 23. Brain. 24. Brain pathologies. 25. Reserve opportunities. 26. Hemispheres asymmetry.

    УДК 159.922                 ГРНТИ 15.21.51
                                ГРНТИ 76.29.52

    The human brain has huge quantity of neurons, distinguished from each other by the genetic program of development. From big hemispheres of a brain of 15 billion nervous cells available in the human uses only 15%. It causes the presence of the big reserve opportunities of nervous system, which are taken into account by neuropsychiatrists and defectologists for rehabilitation of the patients having congenital anomalies of development or acquired infringements of mental and nervous processes. There is a plenty of the data on the inadequacy of activity of the left and right hemispheres of a human brain for today. It concerns not only anatomic and physiological features of each of them, but also psychological displays that were established including in supervision over patients with similar defeats of the left and right hemispheres. The organism of the person during the adaptation to difficult conditions of environment uses as one of mechanisms of adaptation formation own morphological and functional asymmetries among which it is possible to allocate motor, touch, mental (functional) and morphological. The data presented by the author confirm the big urgency of a problem hemispheres asymmetry and the maximum mental functions of the person which recently even more often rises in the scientific literature, in particular in aspect of approbation of various means and the methods directed on elimination of infringements of hemispheres interactions.

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