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Зорин, А.И.
    Концепты туризма. Опыт структурно-семантического анализа = Concepts of Tourism. Experience of Structural-Semantic Analysis
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2002. - № 11. - С. 14-18.

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2002N11/p14-18.htm

    -- 1. Россия. 2. Туризм. 3. Образование профессиональное. 4. Путешествия. 5. Экономическая теория. 6. Графическая модель. 7. Анализ. 8. Методология. 9. Педагогический аспект. 10. Подготовка специалистов. 11. Модель концептуальная. 12. Терминология. 13. Классификация. 14. Квалификация. 15. Структурно-содержательный анализ. 16. Теоретический аспект. 17. Pedagogic of tourism. 18. Semiotics. 19. Professional tourist education.

    УДК 796.5                   ГРНТИ 71.37.01

    The moving of a tourism from one state department in another testifies the absence of the precise reference points in the sight on a tourism as on the social and economic phenomenon. The science has offered the decision of the given problem in frameworks of special methodology - the structural-semantic analysis of texts. Some results of that approach using the author shows in the article. The basic positions of tourism are stated in the appropriate concepts. The notions determining and explaining the methodology of semiotics were accepted for the named concepts. The structural-semantic analysis has allowed to reveal 95 concepts, determining the contents of tourism. It is the amount of concepts significant enough, to form together the conceptual field of the area of tourist activity of an interbranch level.

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