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Костарев, А.Ю.
    Особенности структуры соревновательной деятельности игроков в лапту = Features of Structure of Lapta Players Competitive Activity
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2003. - № 9. - С. 55-56. - Библиогр.: с. 56 (7 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2003N9/p55-56.htm

    -- 1. Тренировка спортивная. 2. Игра командная. 3. Соревновательная деятельность. 4. Технико-тактическое мастерство. 5. Игры национальные. 6. Игровые виды спорта. 7. Двигательная деятельность. 8. Лапта. 9. Игровые приемы. 10. Игры народные. 11. Игра с мячом. 12. Competitive activity. 13. technical-tactical actions. 14. Players specialization. 15. Special level. 16. Motor activity. 17. Russian lapta.

    УДК 796.3                   ГРНТИ 77.03.33
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.03

    The Russian lapta is not simply national game with a centuries-old history, but dynamically developing kind of sport. The regular lapta occupations and the participation in competitions comprehensively influence on the engaged, promote the education of a lot of positive skills and character traits. The Russian lapta is the bilateral command game, which is playing on the rectangular platform limited by lateral and obverse lines. The purpose of the team is to make as much as possible dashes after the perfect impacts on a ball in time allocated for the game, where each player who has executed a full dash, brings the score to the team. The purpose of other team is not to give the contenders to make a dash and to catch more balls. The lapta includes walking, running, jumping, impacts on a ball, catching, throwing and develops at players speed, force, endurance, flexibility and dexterity. The result of the training of the qualified players in lapta substantially depends on the adequate application of the various means and methods of the influences in a training process, the rational organization of team training in view of features of the game specializations of athletes.

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