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Правдов, М.А.
    Пространственно-временная структура ходьбы у детей дошкольного возраста и "схема тела" = Space-Time Structure of Walking of Preschool Aged Children and "Body Scheme"
    // Физ. культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка. - 2003. - № 4. - С. 44-46. - Библиогр.: с. 46 (12 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FKVOT/2003N4/p44-46.htm

    -- 1. Детский возраст. 2. Двигательная программа. 3. Ходьба. 4. Тело. 5. Временные параметры движений. 6. Биомеханика спортивная. 7. Скорость. 8. Дошкольный возраст. 9. Движения человека. 10. Методика исследования. 11. Длина шага. 12. Психофизиология. 13. Теория физического воспитания. 14. Двигательные действия. 15. Учреждение дошкольное образовательное. 16. Preschool children. 17. Moving program. 18. "Body scheme". 19. reaction time. 20. Space-time indexes.

    УДК 796.012                 ГРНТИ 77.05.07
                                ГРНТИ 15.21.35
                                ГРНТИ 77.03

    The purpose of the research was studying the space-time organization and the correction of the 3 and 6 years aged children's moving forward in the different conditions of the irritator's sensor flow. The reaction time upon a sound sign and the time of every step were registered. A sign was given: in the first experiment to the third step after beginning of walking; in the second - to the beginning of moving. 3 and 6 aged children took part in experiments (110 children). Forming of the 3 years aged children's moving program takes more time than of the 6 years aged children's one. This fact reflects the age specifications of the "body scheme" forming. The walking correction at moving action realizes faster than one before moving action. The sound sign before start of moving leads to a moving program failure and a time is needed for the restructuring of the moving actions. This depends on the moving experience and the age of a child.

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