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Филиппов, Н.Н.
    Модель организации физкультурно-оздоровительной работы с населением в Республике Беларусь в новых социально-экономических условиях = Model of Organization of Sports-Improving Work with Population in Byelorussia in New Social and Economic Conditions
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2004. - № 6. - С. 55-57. - Библиогр.: с. 57 (3 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2004N6/p55-57.htm

    -- 1. Республика Беларусь. 2. Социально-экономические условия. 3. Организация физической культуры и спорта. 4. Здоровье нации. 5. Физкультурно-оздоровительная работа. 6. Модель. 7. Массовый спорт. 8. Состояние здоровья. 9. Схема. 10. Население. 11. Физическое воспитание. 12. За рубежом. 13. Physical culture. 14. health of nation. 15. Sports-improving activity. 16. Model of sports-improving work. 17. CIS.

    УДК 796.034.2               ГРНТИ 77.03.15
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.75

    The theoretical model of physical culture which appropriate to the requirements of the present days, considers as the purpose the formation of harmoniously advanced person described by intensive development various forces on the integrative basis of creative activity. It means the necessity of the strengthening of the variety of contents of various forms of physical culture on the basis of integration of ways of influence to the person. The structure and the contents of the basic directions and the realization of the model (it is graphically presented in the article) for the first time are offered by the author with the purpose of perfection of theoretical, structural connections of the model for the organization of sports-improving work with population in new social and economic conditions. The offered by the author structurally functional model of the basic directions of the organization of sports-improving work in new social and economic conditions was approved on the basis of the carried out researches in 1997-2000 among various contingents of the population of Byelorussia.

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