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Кузин, В.В.
    К 60-летию трагических событий и их последствиям (реквием по педологии) = To 60-th of Tragic Events and their Conseqences (Requiem for Pedology) / Кузин В.В., Никитюк Б.А.
    // Физ. культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка. - 1996. - № 3. - С. 18-21.

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FKVOT/1996N3/p18-21.htm

    -- 1. СССР. 2. Детский возраст. 3. История науки. 4. Биологический возраст. 5. Поведение. 6. Профориентация. 7. Способности. 8. Генетика. 9. Темперамент. 10. Педология. 11. Физическое развитие. 12. Понятие. 13. Наука спортивная. 14. Конституция. 15. Юбилей. 16. Умственная деятельность. 17. Телосложение. 18. Антропология интегративная. 19. Репрессии политические. 20. Теоретический аспект. 21. Личность. 22. Психология педагогическая. 23. Science. 24. Politics. 25. Pedology. 26. Integration of knowledges. 27. Sports science. 28. Physical education. 29. Spritual education.

    УДК 159.9:37.015.3          ГРНТИ 12.09.09
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.21
                                ГРНТИ 15.81.21

    The purpose of this paper was to discuss the consequences for science the tragic events of the 60-th when the pedology was forbidden, and laboratories and chairs were liquidated. The strength and weakness of pedology was characterized by its integrative essence as the progressive tendency of science's development and by its pragmatism, which had no the theoretical fundamentals and coused the technological extremism of its apologists. The forbidding of pedology was performed in the interests of socio-pedagogy for which it was necessary to bury the idea of biological roots in child's capacities. At the same time this forbiddeness was of a great negative factor for child psychology's development. These events had not influenced on sport and physical culture due to their preveleges in socialist society as the symbols of its successes and advantages in comparison with the capitalist one. The contemporary development of theory and practice of physical culture and sport demands the new efforts directed to integration of physical and spiritual in these areas of human activity. It will be the real proof of humanistic essence of physical and sport activities.

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