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Гурняк, К.
    Половое созревание девочек с боковым искривлением позвоночника = Puberty of Girls with Lateral Backbone Curvature / Кристина Гурняк, Гелена Поплавска
    // Физ. культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка. - 2004. - № 5. - С. 25-26, 39. - Библиогр.: с. 39 (26 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FKVOT/2004N5/p25-26,39.htm

    -- 1. Польша. 2. Половое созревание. 3. Искривление позвоночника. 4. Сельская местность. 5. Состояние здоровья. 6. Возрастные особенности. 7. Менструальный цикл. 8. За рубежом. 9. Сколиоз. 10. Девочки. 11. Заболевания позвоночника. 12. Школьный возраст. 13. Возрастная физиология. 14. Математические методы. 15. Таблица. 16. Контроль врачебный. 17. Ортопедия. 18. Научные исследования. 19. Menarche. 20. puberty. 21. Polish schoolgirls. 22. Scoliosis.

    УДК 612.66/68               ГРНТИ 34.39.51
                                ГРНТИ 76.29.41
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.21
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.13

    The aim of this paper was to estimate the level of puberty of rural girls with a lateral backbone curvature. The material of the research was collected in 1998-1999 on the territory of the chosen secondary and high schools of Poland. According to the full program 1045 girls and 7-19 year-old girls were surveyed. The results of the research had approved the necessity of the inclusion of an estimation of puberty into a card of routine inspections of the children from the "risk group", who have the infringements of a statics of a body in a frontal plane. The existing school system of compensation-corrective gymnastics demands the specification: in younger school age it is necessary to engage not only the children with defects of bearing, but also those, who have dysfunctions of the organs of movement.

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