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Бальсевич, В.К.
    Нашему "Зеленому" - десять лет / Бальсевич В.К. = Tenth Anniversary of Our "Green Journal"
    // Физ. культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка. - 2006. - № 3. - С. 2-4. - Библиогр.: с. 3-4 (36 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FKVOT/2006N3/p2-4.htm

    -- 1. Проблемы и перспективы. 2. Журнал спортивный. 3. Юбилей. 4. Культура спортивная. 5. Здоровье молодежи. 6. Журнал теоретический. 7. Инновации. 8. Теория физического воспитания. 9. Учреждение общеобразовательное. 10. Научные исследования. 11. Ценности. 12. Наука спортивная. 13. Здоровьеформирование. 14. Печать спортивная. 15. Издания периодические. 16. Scientific-methodical journal. 17. Physical education. 18. youth sports.

    УДК 796:001.92              ГРНТИ 77.01.39

    The scientific-sports public of Russia has very recently celebrated the 80-anniversary of the scientific-theoretical journal "Theory and Practice of Physical Culture" ("Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoj Kultury"). And here is again a significant, though a rather modest date - the 10th anniversary of its younger brother - the scientific-methodical journal "Physical Culture: Education, Treatment, Training" ("Fizicheskaya Kultura: Vospitaniye, Obrazovaniye, Trenirovka"). In this not a simple situation in the scientific and educational space of sports education of the rising Russian generation our journal has occupied the principle position of upholding the values of the sports science for the creation of the new quality of pedagogical knowledge and mentality of a teacher of physical culture and heads of the Russian education of all levels.

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