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Ибрагимов, М.М.
    "Философия спорта" в дискурсе украинского постэкзистенциалистского мышления = "Philosophy of sport" in discourse of Ukrainian post existential thinking / Ибрагимов М.М.
    // Науч.-спортив. вестн. Урала и Сибири. - 2014. - № 2 (2). - С. 51-57. - Библиогр.: с. 57 (13 назв.).

URL HTTP://lib.sportedu.ru/Press/NSVUiS/2014n2(2)/p51-57.pdf

    -- 1. 20 в. 2. Украина. 3. Киев. 4. За рубежом. 5. Социология личности - Телесность - Социокультурная сфера - Физическая культура личности - Самореализация - Самовыражение - Феномен социокультурный - Творческий подход - Духовность - Потребности человека - Ценностные ориентации - Гуманистическая направленность - Образ телесный. 6. Философия спортивная - Мышление философско-исследовательское - Постэкзистенциализм - Философские школы - Дефиниция - Предмет философии - Междисциплинарные связи - Онтологические концепции - Мифотворчество - Антропологический подход. 7. Philosophy of sport. 8. Post existential thinking. 9. Corporality. 10. Ontology. 11. Axiology. 12. Culture.

    УДК 796:1                   ГРНТИ 02
                                ГРНТИ 04.61

    Представлена современная философия спорта в контексте неомарксистских студий киевской философской школы 70-х годов 20 в., продолжателем традиций которой является концепт современного украинского постэкзистенциалистского мышления.

    The article presents the modern philosophy of sport in the context of neomarxistic studies of Kyiv philosophy school of 1970-s, which is followed by the concept of modern Ukrainian post existential thinking. In this case the philosophy of sport is presented as a synthesis of philosophy of existentialism, which tries to solve the contradiction between free and creative essence of human being and its hard encumbered with social conditions existence, can, in authors point of view, describe the process of including human corporality in social and cultural field and sociology. Sport means that a person comes out of his explicit possibilities. There is a definition: sport is a type of human physical culture, which uses its playing and competitive features to keep, improve and convert its corporality. The source of existence of sport is a permanent creating of myths, which manifests in endless will to self-realization, self-expression, discovering implicit and potential qualities. The definition and structure of the subject of new sphere of knowledge is suggested to the scientific society: philosophy of sport is interdisciplinary sphere of knowledge about the essence and mean of sport as social and cultural phenomenon, which creates and recreates the etalons of human corporality in physical culture. It is supposed to include in the structure of the subject ontological, anthropological, axiological and phenomenological problems.

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