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Карпов, В.Ю.
    Детско-юношеский спорт в развитии физической культуры учащейся молодежи = Children-Youthful Sports in the Development of Physical Education of Young People / Карпов В.Ю., Голов В.А.
    // Физ. культура, спорт - наука и практика. - 2008. - № 3. - С. 9-11. - Библиогр. (16 назв.).

URL HTTP://journal.kgufkst.ru/file/?iblock_id=18&id=26180

    -- 1. Детско-юношеский спорт. 2. Форма занятий. 3. Спортивная деятельность. 4. Children-youthful sports. 5. Forms of studies. 6. Sports activity.

    УДК 796.                    ГРНТИ 77.

    Социальная значимость детско-юношеского спорта заключается в развитии способностей учащейся молодежи посредством специальной физкультурной деятельности в определенном виде спорта. Выявление физических способностей учащихся осуществляется на специальных занятиях, в процессе соревновательной деятельности в соответствии с возрастными особенностями занимающихся.

    Essential social significance of children-youthful sports is that of special training. Its primary goal is at first to reveal pupil's abilities in the form of competition organized in accordance with their age, and secondly, further development of abilities mentioned above by means of the specialized activity in a certain kind of sport. Children - youthful sports is one of the most strongly recommended and active forms of physical education with studying youth. Physical activity which takes place in the extracurricular time is not obligatory for young people's participation. Therefore it requires maximum and even extramaximum tension and should be organized in sports schools under the guidance of qualified teachers. Investigations and trainings are conducted according to the curricula and educational standards set for this or that kind of sport. The form of physical education determines and limits the component structure of activities due to a chosen kind of sport. So, children - youth sports is an objective necessity with a young person. It corresponds to bringing up a physically strong person.

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