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Медведев, В.Г.
    Техника разгона по горизонтальной прямой в BMX-race = Technique of horizontal straight acceleration in BMX-race / Медведев Владимир Геннадьевич, Дышаков Алексей Сергеевич
    // Экстрем. деятельность человека. - 2016. - № 3. - С. 9-12. - Рез.: рус., англ. - Библиогр.: с. 12 (2 назв.).

URL HTTP://lib.sportedu.ru/Press/Extreme/2016n3/p9-12.pdf

    -- 1. Биомеханика спортивная - Скорость угловая - Момент силы - Угол отклонения от направления - Фаза движения - Сила реакции опоры. 2. Велосипедный спорт - BMX-race - Квалификация спортивная - Юноши - Девушки - Возрастные особенности - Масса тела - Длина тела - Скоростно-силовые способности - Разгон - Техника движений - Эффективность движений - Техническая подготовленность. 3. Методика исследования - Этапы исследования - Динамометрия - Видеоанализ - Рисунок - Лабораторный эксперимент - Тестирование способностей - Сравнительный анализ - Динамограмма - Статистический анализ. 4. #Cycling. 5. #BMX. 6. #Realization effectiveness of technique. 7. #Dynamometry. 8. #Video analysis.

    УДК 796.61                  ГРНТИ 77.29.14
                                ГРНТИ 77.05.07

    Рассмотрена методика контроля технической подготовленности в виде спорта BMX-Race и представлен анализ техники разгона по прямой.

    This article considers the methodic of control of technical fitness in the sport BMX-race, and presents analysis of technique of horizontal straight acceleration. Methodic: isokinetic dynamometer Biodex System-3, optocoupler MuscleLab, Qualisys, force plates AMTI BP12001200. Results: Subjects performed fast-strength test on isokinetic dynamometer Biodex System-3. Maximal moment of knee extensors at isokinetic mode (60 degree/s) was on the average 129,0 ± 49,72 Nm (n = 14). Average velocity of horizontal straight acceleration at 20 m distance (start from static) was 5,35 ± 0,928 m/s (n = 33). High significant correlation (r = 0,84; р < 0,05) was between results of these two tests (isokinetic knee extension and horizontal straight acceleration). That allows to use regression equation for evaluation of realization effectiveness of technique of horizontal straight acceleration as degree of using of low body muscles' fast-strength abilities. Conclusions: 1. The obtained regression equation could be used to evaluate the effectiveness of technique of horizontal straight acceleration in BMX-Race as degree of using of low body muscles' fast-strength abilities. 2. Decrease of average velocity in performance of horizontal straight acceleration could be caused by bike side sways in conjunction with the handlebar turn. 3. Increase of average velocity at the expense of shoulder to handlebar grip angle at sagittal plane in performance of horizontal straight acceleration (the angle between a vertical line and a line which connects handlebar grip point and shoulder axis point) is caused by increase of impulse of horizontal ground reaction force. 4. Increase of maximal arm extensor strength in ratio to body weight much greater then 1.0 (N/BW) contributes to mastering of performance of horizontal straight acceleration with positive shoulder to handlebar grip angle at sagittal plane.

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