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Белякова, И.В.
    Сравнительная характеристика норм питания школьников, совершающих походы = Comparative analysis of standards of nutrition of schoolchildren committing hikes / Белякова Ирина Владимировна, Павлов Евгений Александрович
    // Экстрем. деятельность человека. - 2016. - № 3. - С. 75-78. - Рез.: рус., англ. - Библиогр.: с. 78 (10 назв.).

URL HTTP://lib.sportedu.ru/Press/Extreme/2016n3/p75-78.pdf

    -- 1. 1956 - 2013 гг. 2. СССР. 3. Россия. 4. Методика исследования - Научный анализ - Обзор научных работ - Математическая статистика - Таблица - Диаграмма - Сравнительный анализ. 5. Гигиена питания - Рацион питания - Нормативно-правовая база - СанПиН - Санитарные нормы - Продукты питания - Калорийность питания. 6. Туризм детско-юношеский - Поход туристский - Школьный возраст - Преодоление препятствий - Маршрут туристский. 7. #Children's and youth tourism. 8. #Sanitary norms and regulations. 9. #Nutritional standards for school children. 10. #Tourist trips. 11. #Normative-legal acts.

    УДК 796.5                   ГРНТИ 71.37.05
    УДК 613.2                   ГРНТИ 76.33.35

    Проведен сравнительный анализ норм питания школьников, совершающих походы, на основе нормативной и научно-методической литературы в период с 1956 г. по 2013 г.

    Article is devoted to the analysis of a set of food for students when making their campaigns. In this article the comparative analysis of a set of products in the period 1956 till 2013. Analyzed legal documents and educational-methodical literature in the field of youth tourism: Requirements for the organization and conduct of tourist and sporting events of the Rules of educational institutions on sports tourism, Standards of weight to carry while hiking students prepared the Central Children's excursion and tourist Ministry station enlightenment of the USSR in 1962, ordered by the Ministry of education of the USSR Moscow № 38 from 12 April 1974 "on the introduction of the" Instructions for the organization and holding of hiking trails, tours and excursions with the students of secondary schools "and SanPiN 2.4. 4.2605-10 "Sanitary-epidemiological requirements to the device and the content and organization mode of children's tourist camps tent type during school holidays" - 03 SanPiN "Sanitary requirements for design, content and organization of the operating mode of country stationary establishments of rest and improvement of children " SanPiN" Sanitary-epidemiological requirements to the device and organization of children's camps tent style "and the data" Letter from the Russian Ministry of education 11.01.1993 № 9 / 32-P "on the expenditure norms food in tourist activities".

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