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Свищев, И.Д.
    Сила реакции опоры при выполнении бросков в борьбе и ее моделирование с использованием веса штанги / Свищев Иван Дмитриевич, Игуменов Виктор Михайлович, Егиазарян Арутюн Андраник
    // Экстрем. деятельность человека. - 2016. - № 4. - С. 12-15. - Рез.: рус., англ. - Библиогр.: с. 15 (8 назв.).

URL HTTP://lib.sportedu.ru/Press/Extreme/2016n4/p12-15.pdf

    -- 1. Борьба спортивная - Квалификация спортивная - Возрастные особенности - Приемы борьбы - Броски прогибом - Силовые способности - Весовая категория - Упражнения со штангой - Сила мышц - Нижние конечности. 2. Биомеханика спортивная - Сила реакции опоры. 3. Методика исследования - Научный анализ - Методы измерения - Динамометрия - Тензометрия электрическая - Констатирующий эксперимент - Таблица - Рисунок - Графическая модель - Моделирование биомеханическое. 4. #Simulation of the indices of the reacting force of support. 5. #Fulfillment of thrust "by sagging". 6. #Force of muscles of the lower extremities of champions the ranges of the weight of rod.

    УДК 796.8                   ГРНТИ 77.29.11
                                ГРНТИ 77.05.07

    О методике моделирования показателей силы реакции опоры при выполнении броска "прогибом" с использованием веса штанги.

    Is developed the procedure of the simulation of the indices of the reacting force of support with the fulfillment of thrust "by sagging" with the use of weight of rod. Are the exemplary indices of the weight of champions, weight of rods, reacting force of support with the undermining (disruption) from the counters of rods from the crouching position the essence of exercise it appears the undermining (disruption) of rod from the counters, in the crouching position with the angle in the elbows 120°. Exercise is produced in 5 series (approaches) in each series on 3–4 undermining. Leisure between the underminings minimum (5–10 sec.) or completely is absent. The ranges of leisure between series (approaches) from 3 to the 4th minutes, which makes possible for organism completely to be restored for a sequential series. To carry out this exercise necessarily 3 of times in the week. In studies participated the champions of high qualification (n=26) at the age 18–23 of years. Within the framework the first establishing experiment are executed dynamometric studies and controlling- pedagogical tests are carried out. The power indices of muscles were measured by the method of computer tensodynamometry with the synchronous registration and by the analysis of the curve of a change of the efforts with time. Were recorded and processed tensodynamogram of the manifestation of the power characteristics of the groups of muscles of lower extremities.

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