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Медведев, В.Г.
    Техника прохождения виражей в велоспорте - BMX = Technique of turns in BMX cycle sport / Медведев Владимир Геннадьевич, Дышаков Алексей Сергеевич
    // Экстрем. деятельность человека. - 2016. - № 4. - С. 25-28. - Рез.: рус., англ. - Библиогр.: с. 28 (7 назв.).

URL HTTP://lib.sportedu.ru/Press/Extreme/2016n4/p25-28.pdf

    -- 1. Велосипедный спорт - Гонки велосипедные - Техническая подготовленность - BMX-race - Техника движений - Вираж - Эффективность движений - Реализационная эффективность - Интегративный подход - Квалификация спортивная - Возрастные особенности. 2. Методика исследования - Метод регрессионных остатков - Видеоанализ - Таблица - Уравнение регрессии - Сравнительный анализ - Статистический анализ. 3. Cycling. 4. #Cycle sport. 5. #Cyclist. 6. #Races. 7. #Realization effectiveness of technique. 8. #Turn. 9. #Video analysis. 10. #Integrative approach.

    УДК 796.61                  ГРНТИ 77.29.14

    Рассмотрена методика контроля технической подготовленности велогонщиков BMX при прохождении виражей.

    This article considers the methodic of control of technical fitness of BMX cyclists in performance of turns. Algorithm of using methodic included the following stages. 1. The evaluation of realization effectiveness of technique of turns using regression residue method. 2. Selection of subjects with high different effective and ineffective technique using regression equation and regression line. 3. Comparative video analysis of technique of selected subjects, search distinctive parameters of technique. 4. Elaboration of tasks with different realization of found parameters of technique. 5. Statistical testing of hypotheses about the significance of the found parameters of technique.

    Results. Comparative video analysis allowed to reveal the distinctive parameters of effective and ineffective technique of turns. There were bicycle movement trajectory, arms position (elbow flexion), the feet position (connecting rods position), and body position at the end of turn (the angle between a vertical line and a line which connects handlebar grip point and shoulder axis point). Choosing inside and middle tracks in turn significant (p<0,05) reduced time by 10,3 and 11,6%, respectively, compared with outside track. Using elbow flexion arms position significant (p<0,05) reduced time by 2,5% compared with straight arms position. There was no significant difference between vertical and horizontal feet position (connecting rods position). Conclusions: 1. The obtained regression equation could be used to evaluate the effectiveness of technique of turns in BMX-Race. 2. Found parameters of technique of turns in BMX-Race may be used in the training process for control of technical fitness of BMX cyclists.

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