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    Моделирование тренировочной программы по физической и функциональной подготовке юных футболистов на начальном этапе многолетней тренировки = Modeling of training programs on the physical and functional training of young football players at the initial stage of long-term training / Тхазеплов А.М. [и др.]
    // Физ. культура, спорт - наука и практика. - 2014. - № 4. - С. 49-53. - Рез.: рус., англ. - Библиогр. (9 назв.).

URL HTTP://journal.kgufkst.ru/file/?iblock_id=18&id=26204

    -- 1. Физические качества. 2. Спортивные резервы. 3. Функциональная подготовка. 4. Сенситивный период. 5. Блочно-модульная система. 6. Функциональные возможности. 7. Физиологические механизмы. 8. Тренировочный процесс. 9. Частота сердечных сокращений. 10. Жизненная емкость легких. 11. Работоспособность физическая. 12. #Young football players. 13. #Functional training. 14. #Sensitive period. 15. #"Block-modules". 16. #"Fragments" functionality. 17. #Physiological mechanisms. 18. Training process. 19. Physical qualities. 20. #Heart rate. 21. #Vital capacity. 22. #Physical performance.

    УДК 796.332                 ГРНТИ 77.
    УДК 796.01:612          

    Цель исследования - теоретически и экспериментально обосновать блочно-модульную тренировочную программу физической и функциональной подготовки юных футболистов на начальных этапах тренировки.

    Исследование проводилось в 2013-2014 учебном году на базе ДЮСШ (детско-юношеской спортивной школы) при ПФК (профессиональном футбольном клубе) "Спартак-Нальчик", и Кабардино-Балкарского государственного университета. В исследовании приняли участие юные футболисты 9-10 лет. Для достижения поставленной цели использовались педагогические, медикобиологические методы исследования: изучение и анализ научно-методической литературы, педагогический эксперимент, педагогическое тестирование, математическая статистика. Экспериментальной проверке подвергалась программа учебно-тренировочных занятий футболом, основанная на разработке блочно-модульной и фрагментарной систем на этапах начальной подготовки.

    The modern level of development of football requires a differentiated approach to the problem of improving the special physical and functional training of athletes. The need for this is due to the fact that in practice of the game there is often a mismatch of physiological and biochemical responses on training influence to pedagogical tasks of development of different functional capacities of the body of young football players. The motor structure and functional capacities of football players, including the technical and tactical - concepts interrelated, so the organization of the training process should be the basis not only of learning, but also of the modeling of different levels of system performance, in most game cases, that determine the level of play activities of young footballers. The training of sports reserve should be based on the successive method of training that will ensure the efficiency of growth of sportsmanship and high level of athletes training. It means that coaches should develop rational training programs, ensuring the formation of a high level of functionality, based on the account of individual and typological features and differentiated approach to the organization of training loads. Several authors studied some characteristics of functional training and physical development of young football players of different ages. However, it is necessary to summarize the foundations on which the experimental data are based allowing to model the responses of the body's systems, as well as adaptation processes during training sessions. The aim of research is to justify both theoretically and experimentally the block-modular training program of physical and functional training of young football players in the early stages of training.

    The study was conducted in the 2013/2014 academic year, on the basis of Children and Youth Sports School at professional football club "Spartak - Nalchik", and Kabardino-Balkaria State University named after Berbekov H.M., Nalchik. The study involved young players of 9-10 years old. To achieve this purpose the educational, medical and biological research methods were used: the study and the analysis of the scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical experiment, testing, mathematical statistics. The program of training sessions in football, based on the development of modular and fragmented systems at the stage of initial training was subjected to experimental testing.

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