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Чернецкий, Ю.М.
    Факультету валеологии, физической культуры и спорта Южно-Уральского государственного университета - 5 лет! = To Faculty of Valeology, Physical, Culture and Sports of South-Ural State University - 5 Years!
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2002. - № 1. - С. 9-10.

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2002N1/p9-10.htm

    -- 1. Валеология. 2. Факультет физической культуры. 3. Университет. 4. Юбилей. 5. Спортивные сооружения. 6. Кафедра. 7. Научно-исследовательская работа. 8. Подготовка физкультурных кадров. 9. Печать спортивная. 10. Спорт высших достижений.

    УДК 796.077.5               ГРНТИ
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.21
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.39
                                ГРНТИ 76.33.29
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.25

    The faculty of the valeology, physical culture and sports was created at the South-Ural state university in 1996. The occurrence of such faculty in the structure of the higher educational institution was not accidental. The rector of the university has headed for the development of the humanitarian direction. Such faculties as economy and laws, economy and managements, service, commerce, psychology, linguistics etc, have appeared in the structure of the high school during realization of this direction. The polytechnic institute has turned to the university of the international kind. The South-Ural state university (SUSU) - the largest high school of Russia, in which structure 32 faculties and branches with more than 40 thousand students. The SUSU has magnificent sports base. 9 specialized halls (basketballs, volleyballs, wrestling, boxing, powerlifting, athletic gymnastics, shaping, aerobics, table tennis), the shaping center, the billiard center , the track and field athletics arena with the 210-meter synthetic track and two tennis courts, the swimming pool 50х25 m are in two sports buildings. Besides the skiing lodge, hockey stadium and summer improving camp are in the sport complex also.

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