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Чернецкий, Ю.М.
    Философские концептуальные основы изучения олимпизма и олимпийского образования = Philosophical Conceptual Bases of Studying Olympism and Olympic Education
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2002. - № 1. - С. 47-51. - Библиогр. (8 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2002N1/p47-51.htm

    -- 1. Кубертен П. 2. Олимпизм. 3. Олимпийское движение. 4. Молодежь. 5. Воспитание нравственное. 6. Образование олимпийское. 7. Концепция. 8. Философский аспект. 9. Искусство и спорт. 10. Социокультурологический подход. 11. Культура. 12. Фэйр Плэй. 13. Гуманизация. 14. Этика спортивная. 15. Воспитательная направленность. 16. Olympism. 17. Education. 18. Concept. 19. Philosophy. 20. Sports. 21. Art.

    УДК 796.032                 ГРНТИ 02.51.45
                                ГРНТИ 77.31.13

    The Olympism, Olympic education in modern conditions is the sociocultural formation of an industrial and postindustrial civilization. To the conducting philosophical conceptual ideas of the Olympism and the Olympic education appertain to: - the idea of the peace, peaceful co-existence of social systems; - the states and people in which the Olympism acts as the system creating factor; - the Olympic education as the mean of youth education in spirit of the peace; - the idea of the universal value of the Olympism and the Olympic education is based on the internationalism and the inter social education; - the idea of humanistic, all-around development of the person which base of the realization are the Olympic education of youth, Olympic subculture; - the idea of the priority of the ethical values in the Olympism and the Olympic education, proceeding from the philosophy of the Fair Play. The Olympism acts in modern conditions as the universal value, as an essential element of culture, as the parameter of the development of the physical culture of youth.

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