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Ахмадеев, P.P.
    Динамика содержания кислорода в крови у спортсменов при максимальном произвольном апноэ = Changes of Contents of Oxygenium in Blood in Athletes at Maximal Voluntary Apnea / Ахмадеев P.P., Тупиев И.Д., Горулев П.С.
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2004. - № 1. - С. 43-45. - Библиогр.: с. 45 (20 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2004N1/p43-45.htm

    -- 1. Гипоксия. 2. Гребной спорт. 3. Задержка дыхания. 4. Динамика. 5. Кислород. 6. Методика исследования. 7. Проба. 8. Дыхание внешнее. 9. Физиология спортивная. 10. Плавание. 11. Лыжный спорт. 12. Велосипедный спорт. 13. Футбол. 14. Тяжелая атлетика. 15. Виды спорта. 16. breath holding. 17. Physiological hypoxia. 18. Polarmetry. 19. Strain of Oxygenium. 20. Oxyhemoglobin.

    УДК 796.01:612              ГРНТИ 77.05.05

    The purpose of this paper was the research of the changes of the contents of Oxygenium in blood of athletes on parameters of an oxyhemoglobin and a histic strain of Oxygenium, or maximal arbitrary apnea. The experiments have been executed on athletes, the control group was consisted of students of similar age (20-23 year old) and sexual structure, not engaged in sports. The received data have allowed authors to make the following basic conclusions. 1. The maximal voluntary breath holding is an adequate method of the modeling of short-term physiological hypoxia in examinees. Levels and time characteristics of the change of the contents of oxyhemoglobin and the histic strain of Oxygenium reflect the changes of development according to anoxemia and hypoxias. 2. On the pique of respiratory load more essential downstroke of the contents of oxyhemoglobin and a histic strain of Oxygenium descends in athletes in comparison with control group. 3. The renewal of an external respiration in athletes descends at lower values of the contents of Oxygenium in blood and tissues.

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