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Прохорова, М.В.
    Формирование педагогической позиции у будущих специалистов по физической культуре (на примере обучения плаванию) = Formation of pedagogical position in future physical culture specialists (on example of swimming training) / М.В. Прохорова, О.Б. Томашевская
    // Физ. культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка. - 2004. - № 3. - С. 13-16. - Библиогр.: с. 16 (10 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FKVOT/2004N3/p13-16.htm

    -- 1. Потребность. 2. Опрос. 3. Спецкурс. 4. Педагогический аспект. 5. Подготовка специалистов. 6. Подготовка физкультурных кадров. 7. Методика преподавания. 8. Плавание. 9. Обучение плаванию. 10. Личность. 11. Образование высшее. 12. Ценностные ориентации. 13. Психологический аспект. 14. Практика педагогическая. 15. Праздник спортивный. 16. Техника. 17. Двигательный навык. 18. Студенты. 19. Методическое обеспечение. 20. Учебный процесс. 21. Плавательная подготовленность. 22. Педагогическая деятельность. 23. Pedagogical position. 24. Professional training. 25. Specialist in physical culture. 26. teaching. 27. Swimming. 28. Elementary education to swimming.

    УДК 796.077.4               ГРНТИ
                                ГРНТИ 77.29.34

    The authors were investigated the features of the pedagogical position in questions of elementary education to swimming and the degree of its expressiveness in specialists in swimming; the initial positions of students before the studying the discipline "swimming". The results of the experimental research were shown, that the pedagogical position was restructured in students. Its become more realized and proved in purposes, content, means, forms and methods of elementary education to swimming. The attitude to the importance of separate elements of the position has changed according to the received pedagogical knowledge and skills, and the acquired pedagogical experience also. The ways of the formation of the pedagogical position of a student were effective experimentally proved in the research and promote its development in the future experts in swimming.

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