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Попов, Г.Г.
    Зависимость эффективности физкультурной деятельности дошкольников от уровня ее интенсивности = Dependence of Efficiency of Sports Activity of Preschool Children on Level of its Intensity / Г.Г. Попов
    // Физ. культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка. - 2004. - № 4. - С. 55-57. - Библиогр.: с. 57 (16 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FKVOT/2004N4/p55-57.htm

    -- 1. Детский возраст. 2. Интеллект. 3. Физические качества. 4. Девочки. 5. Психофизиологические показатели. 6. Дошкольный возраст. 7. Эффективность. 8. Физкультурная деятельность. 9. Нагрузка физическая. 10. Дозирование нагрузок. 11. Физическое развитие. 12. Физическое воспитание. 13. Таблица. 14. Периодизация. 15. Физическая подготовка. 16. Макроцикл. 17. Упражнения контрольные. 18. Тесты. 19. Жизненная емкость легких. 20. Мальчики. 21. Функциональные возможности организма. 22. Учреждение дошкольное образовательное. 23. Preschool age. 24. Sports activity. 25. intensity.

    УДК 796.078                 ГРНТИ 77.03.13

    The experimental researches were carried out on the base of kindergarten №№ 12 and 97 of Magnitogorsk since September 2002 till May, 2003 with children of preparatory group to school (n = 24), not having medical restrictions in occupations of physical training. The experimental factor became the volume of sports activity of high intensity increased in comparison with recommendations. As the control group acted children of the same age of kindergartenS № 60 and 161 of Magnitogorsk. The pedagogical supervision carried out during the work shown, that it is necessary to teach children skill to concentrate efforts with the purpose of the maximal display of separate components of available impellent potential. Especially it concerns high-speed and speed-power-force qualities. As an indirect acknowledgement of it improvement of results can serve in run on 30 m of children of the experimental group regularly getting in impellent situation specially organized by the teacher, demanded short-term, but maximal psycho-physical effort.

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