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Габриелян, К.Г.
    Особенности обучения основам здоровьесбережения в неспециализированном вузе = Features of Training to Bases Healthsaving in Unspecialized High School / К.Г. Габриелян, Б.В. Ермолаев, И.О. Кутателадзе
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2004. - № 11. - С. 42-43.

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2004N11/p42-43.htm

    -- 1. Здоровьесбережение. 2. Методика обучения. 3. Физическое воспитание. 4. Образование непрерывное. 5. Здоровье и учебная деятельность. 6. Образование высшее. 7. Оздоровительная направленность. 8. Технологии здоровьесберегающие. 9. Социологическое исследование. 10. Личность. 11. Making individual health. 12. Physical culture. 13. continuous education. 14. Health. 15. Self-preservation behaviour.

    УДК 796.078                 ГРНТИ 77.03.13
                                ГРНТИ 76.33.29

    The researches carried out at the Moscow state open university have revealed the negative tendency connected with the existence of qualitative distinctions between the representations about the factors, providing the individual health of a person, and their practical realization at the students. 150 2-nd year students have taken part in the research (59 young men and 91 girl, middle age - 18,1 years), studying on the speciality "world economic" and "jurisprudence". According tothe author's opinion, the program of training of students to the bases of healthsaving, the formation of culture of self-preservation, education of activity concerning the health should be an open, creative process limited to the valuable reference points of the society and the dominant world outlook installations. It should be defined by the level of development of modern systems of the improving physical culture, kineziological technologies and the number of subjective factors.

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