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Батуева, А.Э.
    Дифференцированный подбор мазей ОАО "Нижфарм" в реабилитации спортсменов с болями в спине = Differentiated Selection of Ointments of JSC "Nizhfarm" in Rehabilitation of Athletes with Pains in Back / А.Э. Батуева, Л.П. Крол
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2005. - № 1. - С. 22-24. - Библиогр.: с. 24 (4 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2005N1/p22-24.htm

    -- 1. Фирма. 2. Массаж лечебный. 3. Боли. 4. Фармакологические средства. 5. Реабилитация физическая. 6. Спина. 7. Синдром. 8. Тренировка спортивная. 9. Патогенез. 10. Заболевания позвоночника. 11. Классификация. 12. Лечебная физическая культура. 13. Ортопедия. 14. Влияние на здоровье. 15. Неврология. 16. Таблица. 17. Методические рекомендации. 18. Спортивная медицина. 19. Pains in back. 20. Compression mechanism. 21. Aseptic-inflammatory mechanism. 22. Disfixational mechanism. 23. Discirculatory mechanism. 24. Espol. 25. Betanicominol. 26. Chondroxide.

    УДК 61:796                  ГРНТИ 76.35.41
                                ГРНТИ 76.29.51
                                ГРНТИ 76.35.35
                                ГРНТИ 76.31
                                ГРНТИ 34.45

    The painful syndrome in a back quite often accompanies the training process in different kinds of sports. At the athletes investigated by the authors (68 person) the compressive mechanism of pains in a back (49 person)was found more often, less often - aseptic-inflammatory (9 person) and disfixational (6 person). The Discirculatory mechanism of pains in a back was revealed in four cases. The course of physical rehabilitation of these athletes included the treatment by ointments of JSC "Nizhfarm" depending on the conducting mechanism of pains in a back. The authors chose ointments, taking into account their ingredients and medical effect. The Long-term experience of the authors testifies that the combination of adequate physical means of rehabilitation and noninvasive medicamentous medications in the therapy of athletes, suffering from pains in a back, allows to achieve steady therapeutic effect without complications.

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