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Маркович, С.
    The transformational processes involving motor skills that occur under the influence of basic preliminary training in young handball players = Трансформационные процессы, включающие двигательные навыки, которые происходят под влиянием основной предварительной подготовки среди молодых гандболистов / Маркович С., Маркович К., Крамской С.
    // Физ. воспитание студентов. - 2011. - № 3. - С. 119-122. - Библиогр.: с. 122 (11 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FVS/2011N3/p119-122.htm

    -- 1. Гандбол - Ручной мяч - Юношеский спорт - Двигательный навык - Предварительная подготовка - Тестирование - Таблица - Упражнения физические - Возрастные особенности - Моторные качества - Сила взрывная - Трансформация. 2. Motor skills. 3. basic preliminary training. 4. young handball players.

    УДК 796.322                 ГРНТИ 77.29.45
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.23

    О статистически значимом увеличении уровня моторных навыков, происходящих под влиянием физических упражнений, при окончательном результате по сравнению с исходным состоянием спортсменов-гандболистов.

    The population from which we extracted a sample of 76 subjects consisted of elementary school students in Kursumlija, all male, aged 12-13, who were divided into a sub-sample consisting of 38 young handball players who took part in the training sessions of a school of handball and another sub-sample consisting of 38 non-athletes, who only took part in their regular physical education classes. The aim of the research was to determine the transformation processes involving motor skills, which occur under the influence of basic preliminary training in young handball players. The subject matter of the study was to examine whether a statistically significant increase in the level of motor skills would occur under the influence of physical exercise as part of basic preliminary training in the final as compared to the initial state. Six motor tests which define the dimensions of explosive and repetitive strength were used. The results of the research indicate that significant transformational processes involving the motor skills of young handball players occurred in the final as compared to the initial measuring, under the influence of basic preliminary training.

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