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Кравчук, А.И.
    Парадигма комплексного физического воспитания подрастающего поколения = The paradigm of a complex physical education of the younger generation / Кравчук А.И.
    // Науч.-спортив. вестн. Урала и Сибири. - 2014. - № 2 (2). - С. 8-12. - Библиогр.: с. 12 (8 назв.).

URL HTTP://lib.sportedu.ru/Press/NSVUiS/2014n2(2)/p8-12.pdf

    -- 1. Физическое воспитание - Комплексный подход - Детский возраст - Дошкольный возраст - Школьный возраст - Молодежь - Воздействие педагогическое - Возрастные группы - Двигательные способности - Обучение движениям - Принципы обучения - Обучение концентрированное - Физические качества - Методические рекомендации - Парадигмальный подход. 2. Physical education. 3. Age stages. 4. Complex education. 5. Motor abilities. 6. Physical abilities. 7. Main provisions.

    УДК 796.078                 ГРНТИ 77.03.13

    Рассмотрены основания для решения на государственном уровне проблемы комплексного физического воспитания детей и молодежи с учетом этапов формирования и становления у них двигательных навыков, физических качеств, функционально-двигательных и психических способностей.

    The article presents reasons for decisions to be made at the national level to solve the problem of a complex physical education of children and youth taking into consideration formation stages of their movement skills, physical qualities, functional movement ability and mental ability. Specialists of educational establishments are responsible for a well-timed formation of movement function of the younger generation. Starting from maternity welfare centers, children's and local polyclinics, pre-schools, schools, secondary and high educational institutions despite the forms of financing, which should be divided with parents, carers ухаживать or guardians. At each age stage harmonious and close to that condition of motor potential of children and young people are provided, creating environment for applied and mass sports and professionally important motor abilities; raising a complex of varieties of basic, special and professionally important physical qualities; forming various functional movement abilities and mental abilities and qualities. These skills, qualities and abilities are developed in the groups heterochronously and synchronously with each other.

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