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Ниясова, Н.С.
    Психологическая диагностика физического самовоспитания личности на занятиях спортом = Psychological Diagnostic of Physical Self-Education of the Personality on Sports Activities / Ниясова Неля Сергеевна, Кульмаметьева Элла Салимчановна
    // Спортив. психолог. - 2018. - № 2 (49). - С. 64-67. - Рез.: рус., англ. - Библиогр. (5 назв.).

URL HTTP://lib.sportedu.ru/Press/SP/2018N2/p64-67.pdf

    -- 1. Физическое самовоспитание. 2. #Психологическая диагностика. 3. #Интеллектуальная активность. 4. Личность. 5. Потребности. 6. Соревновательная деятельность. 7. #Psychological diagnostic. 8. #Physical self-education. 9. #Intellectual activity. 10. Personality. 11. #Needs. 12. #Competitive confrontation.

    УДК 159.9                   ГРНТИ 77.

    Психологическая диагностика физического самовоспитания направлена на выявление источников интеллектуальной активности в условиях соревнования на основе изучения общего показателя и системных компонентов работы личности над собой: идеализации, самопознания, мотивов самовоспитания, самообязательства, саморегуляции и самоконтроля.

    Criteria of diagnostic of physical self-education of the personality on sports activities (idealization, self-knowledge, motives of self-education, the self-obligation, self-control, self-checking) which formed the basis of psychological diagnostic of physical self-education of the athlete are developed. The technique of psychological diagnostic includes the characteristic of a condition of physical self-education of the athlete (the general indicator) and its choice of the mode of work over itself in situations of competitive confrontation (indicators of development of structural components). Results of physical self-education of the athlete render the methodical help to the trainer-teacher in management of process of intellectual activity of the subject in long-term sports preparation.

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