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Погудин, С.М.
    Критерии профессионального становления учащейся молодежи в вузах военно-физкультурного профиля = Criterions of Professional Becoming of Learning Youth in Military-Sports Profile Highest Schools
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2002. - № 7. - С. 41-43. - Библиогр. (21 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2002N7/p41-43.htm

    -- 1. Способности. 2. Отбор профессиональный. 3. Профессиональная пригодность. 4. Программа физического воспитания. 5. Интерес профессиональный. 6. Отбор спортивный. 7. Качество обученности. 8. Молодежь. 9. Учащиеся. 10. Образование высшее. 11. Профессионально-прикладная физическая подготовка. 12. Подготовленность. 13. Подготовка физкультурных кадров. 14. Образование физкультурное. 15. Индивидуальный подход. 16. Психические качества. 17. Многоуровневая подготовка. 18. Моделирование. 19. Статистическая обработка. 20. Трудовая деятельность. 21. Экспериментальное исследование. 22. Мониторинг. 23. Педагогический аспект. 24. Курсанты. 25. Военная подготовка. 26. Professional propensities. 27. interests. 28. abilities. 29. professional selection. 30. Sports selection. 31. Technologies of sports. 32. quality of education.

    УДК 796.34-057              ГРНТИ
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.73

    The purpose of this research was the definition of perspective directions in the perfection of the system of the professional becoming in graduates of military-sports profile highest schools. The components of the professional abilities of the experts in the physical culture and sports, officers of rocket armies are opened. The results of researches testifying the negative tendencies in motivation of education and in the choice of the forthcoming professional work of students of military-sports profile highest schools are resulted. The value of psycho-pedagogical diagnostics of the professional propensities and the abilities at different stages of the becoming of the pedagogical and officer staff was shown. The expediency of the conversion of technologies of the sport of maximum achievements in the perfection of the system of the professional selection of the future specialists at the highest schools of the related structure was proved.

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