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Шемуратов, Ф.А.
    Философия бодибилдинга: предвкушение инновационного прорыва = Philosophy of Bodybuilding in Anticipation of Innovational Break / Шемуратов Ф.А., Гайков А.В.
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2001. - № 4. - С. 52-54. - Библиогр. (7 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2001N4/p52-54.htm

    -- 1. Активность физическая. 2. Философский аспект. 3. Духовность. 4. Инновации. 5. Бодибилдинг. 6. Принципы методики. 7. Методологический подход. 8. Телесность. 9. Социальный эффект. 10. Социально-психологические аспекты. 11. Гармонизация. 12. Научные исследования. 13. Образ жизни. 14. Культуризм. 15. Атлетизм. 16. Гимнастика атлетическая. 17. Innovations. 18. Bodybuilding. 19. Image of life. 20. Principle. 21. Method.

    УДК 796.894.012.42          ГРНТИ
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.21

    Рассмотрен системообразующий потенциал бодибилдинга в контексте формирования специфического, спортивного и телесно ориентированного образа жизни.

    The productivity of innovation is considered as the whole and will depend on its efficiency in many aspects. How to determine bodybuilding: the kind of sports, the art of construction of the body, the science about the training, the lifestyle? Behind each of these approaches, their own essences interpretation is not clear. Behind each of them there is the authoritative opinion of experts, who have many years of the creative activity for the development of bodybuilding practice. The process of bodybuilding's philosophy formation as a whole its complexities at the present stage have more classical philosophical problematic, rather than it follows from the analysis of possible alternatives. And what were the destiny of an appropriate lifestyle, philosophy of sports and physical culture will be enriched by the new substantial section.

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