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    Перспективы использования экстракта солодки голой в спортивной практике = Prospects of Naked Liquorice Extract Use in Sports Practice / Беляев Н.Г. [и др.]
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2001. - № 6. - С. 41-44. - Библиогр. (13 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2001N6/p41-44.htm

    -- 1. Адаптогенные свойства. 2. Тренировка спортивная. 3. Обмен веществ. 4. Энергообмен. 5. Активность мышечная. 6. Адаптация. 7. Лекарственные средства. 8. Физические качества. 9. Сила. 10. Выносливость. 11. Двигательный навык. 12. Медицинские средства восстановления. 13. Нагрузка. 14. Работоспособность. 15. Восстановительный процесс. 16. Продукт повышенной биологической ценности. 17. Биологически активные вещества. 18. Применение компьютера. 19. Спортивная деятельность. 20. Спортивная медицина. 21. Перспективы. 22. Muscular loadings. 23. Adaptation. 24. Liquorice extract. 25. Physical qualities. 26. Force. 27. Endurance. 28. Impellent skill.

    УДК 61:796                  ГРНТИ 76.35.41
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.03
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.85

    The modern sport are described by the substantial growth of the volume and the intensity of training process that creates big loading on the adaptable potential of an organism of the training person. Therefore during the training and the restoration the help in the management of physiological and biochemical reactions is necessary for an organism of the athlete. In this connection quite explainable is the heightened interest to the use of the resources normalizing and accelerating the regenerative processes, but not concerning to drugs. In this case the use of the adaptogenes of the vegetative and the animal origin is very perspective. Thus, from the research data becomes obvious, that the application of an liquorice naked extract promotes the integrative increase of the reserves of the functioning of organs and systems which determining physical and intellectual preparedness of an organism that opens ample opportunities for the use of this pharmacy for training of athletes in various kinds of sports.

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