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Сучилин, А.А.
    Хуан Антонио Самаранч и новая эпоха олимпийского движения = Juan Antonio Samaranch and New Epoch of Olympic Movement / Сучилин А.А., Печерский Н.В.
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2001. - № 7. - С. 2-3.

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2001N7/p2-3.htm

    -- 1. самаранч х.а. 2. Коммерциализация спорта. 3. МОК. 4. Персоналия. 5. Политика и спорт. 6. Профессионализация спорта. 7. Средства массовой информации. 8. Олимпийское движение. 9. Олимпийский спорт. 10. Допинг-контроль. 11. Олимпийские игры. 12. История спорта. 13. Пропаганда спорта.

    УДК 796.032                 ГРНТИ 77.31.13
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.09
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.53
                                ГРНТИ 77.05.11
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.39

    The purpose of this paper was to analyze the twenty years' period, during which the IOC president was J. A. Samaranch. The authors offer the brief historical information on sports career of J. A. Samaranch up to his introduction into the post of the IOC president. The three basic interconnected directions on which J. A. Samaranch has concentrated his efforts to prevent the complete disorder of the international Olympic movement in connection with the boycott of Games in Moscow by the USA and some other countries, because of the Soviet armies bringing in the Afghanistan and answer-back actions of the Soviet Union before the preparation of Games in Los-Angeles are determined in the article. The situation could develop in the extremely dangerous crisis, that is why the new approaches to the development of sports were necessary. 1. Sports and policy. 2. Professionalism and commercialization of Olympic sports. 3. Sports and mass-media.

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