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Дивинская, Е.
    Регионально-исторический аспект как составная часть олимпийского образования = Regional-Historical Aspect as Component of Olympic Education
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2001. - № 7. - С. 52-53. - Библиогр. (3 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2001N7/p52-53.htm

    -- 1. Россия. 2. Гуманитаризация образования. 3. Руководящие материалы. 4. Законодательство. 5. Программа физического воспитания. 6. Концепция. 7. Образование олимпийское. 8. Региональная политика. 9. Физкультурно-спортивная деятельность. 10. Олимпийский комитет. 11. Дисциплина учебная. 12. История развития. 13. Олимпийское движение.

    УДК 796.032                 ГРНТИ 77.03.13
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.01
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.09
                                ГРНТИ 77.31.13

    The analysis of the special scientific literature, the international experience, the materials of 35th session of the IOA testifies that two basic aspects are allocated in the research of the Olympic education: the scientific-cognitive aspect, which underlines the necessity of the development of the independent scientific discipline revealing the laws of occurrence, development and interaction of the Olympic movement with other areas of the social life; the social-pedagogical aspect, which follows the concept of the Olympic movement from developed by Pierre de Coubertine first of all as the pedagogical phenomenon. The specialists certificates, the regional policy in the area of sports education is formed spontaneously without the scientific analysis and proved recommendations. The situation obliges to consider the regional-historical aspect of the Olympic education from the wide methodological positions, within the framework of the social-philosophical and historical approaches, on the basis of the principle of logic and historical unity. This circumstances makes necessary the additional research of the considered problem.

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