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Войнов, А.С.
    Концепция создания автоматизированной информационной системы "Спорт" = Concept of Automatic Information System "Sport" Creation
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2001. - № 7. - С. 62-63.

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2001N7/p62-63.htm

    -- 1. Россия. 2. Новые технологии. 3. Управление физической культурой и спортом. 4. Информационная система. 5. Концепция. 6. Автоматизация. 7. Автоматизированная система. 8. Информация. 9. Информационное обеспечение. 10. Отрасль спортивная. 11. Структура. 12. Компьютеризация. 13. Интернет.

    УДК 796:681.3               ГРНТИ 77.01.29
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.75
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.85

    The purpose of this paper was to represent the main principles of the automated information system "Sport" creation. The AIS is projected as a multileveled, regionally spread automated system. It allows to build the united informational space of the sport and other subjects of sports activity structures, to organize in this way the cooperative using of the receiving and accumulating information by all the participants of the mentioned area of activities. The AIS must provide the automatization of the next macrofunctions of sports activities and prophesies of the area direction as a whole: administrative-economic, financial, legislative and control activity of the structures of a direction; education-training processes in the system of special preparation of athletes and specialists: performing of the national and international competitions and other sports actions with the Russian athletes' participation. The creation of the AIS allows to provide the permanent and steady direction of whole the structures in the sports area of Russia when various kinds of activities to integrate all kinds of the directing activity of the state committee of physical culture, sport and tourism of Russia through the concrete functional vectors; to ensure the interaction and cooperative functioning of regionally spread software-hardware complexes of different functions, including the mobile means of sports actions support.

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