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Воронов, Б.Л.
    Формирование сети физкультурно-спортивных сооружений с учетом атмосферной экологии = Formation of Sports Buildings Network in View of Atmospheric Ecology / Воронов Б.Л., Кузьмичева Е.В.
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2001. - № 10. - С. 51-54. - Библиогр. (8 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2001N10/p51-54.htm

    -- 1. Экологические условия. 2. Спортивные сооружения. 3. Климатические условия. 4. Инфраструктура физкультурно-спортивная. 5. Внешняя среда. 6. Влияние на организм. 7. Математические методы. 8. Экология физической культуры. 9. Таблица.

    УДК 725.8                   ГРНТИ 77.13.23
                                ГРНТИ 34.35
                                ГРНТИ 87.33
                                ГРНТИ 76.33.33
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.77

    The formation of the network of buildings both territories for sport-improving activity of the population requires the account of the stationary condition of atmospheric air, i. e. the analysis of the level of its constant pollution (not connected with emergency emissions of polluting substances). The lack of means for realization of the regular analyses of atmospheric air in various regions complicates the reception of the authentic experimental information about its current condition. The need for the simple and reliable technique of calculation of pollution levels from the stationary industrial sources is very urgent. The technique, offered by authors, allows with the sufficient accuracy to estimate parameters of zones of atmospheric air pollution around of large industrial centers, without requiring realization of the expensive measurements.

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