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Петров, П.К.
    Современные информационные технологии в системе повышения квалификации и непрерывном образовании специалистов по физической культуре и спорту (проблемы и пути решения) = Modern Information Technologies in System of Improvement of Professional Skill and Continuous Education of Specialists in Physical Culture and Sports (problems and ways of decision) / Петров П.К., Дмитриев О.Б., Ахмедзянов Э.Р.
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2001. - № 12. - С. 54-57. - Библиогр. (21 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2001N12/p54-57.htm

    -- 1. Информационное обеспечение. 2. Обучение программированное. 3. Интернет. 4. Информационная культура. 5. Дисциплина педагогическая. 6. Образование физкультурное. 7. Образование непрерывное. 8. Информатизация. 9. Технологии компьютерные. 10. Повышение квалификации. 11. Самостоятельная подготовка. 12. Дисциплина спортивная. 13. Применение компьютера. 14. Учебный процесс. 15. Проблемы развития. 16. Подготовка физкультурных кадров.

    УДК 796.077.5               ГРНТИ
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.85

    It is accepted to allocate three levels in the system of the improvement of the professional skill on the development of the modern information technologies: the computer awareness (initial acquaintance), the computer literacy and the information culture. The information culture is not only the skill to work with the ready applied software: the text and graphic editors, spreadsheets, database. It first of all the penetration into the essence of processes of processing of on information, and deep enough if it is possible to solve the various tasks on the personal computer easily and quickly just as truly competent person can read and write freely. Therefore the primary goal of the system of the improvement of the professional skill and the continuous education of the specialists in the physical training and sports is the formation of their information culture, using the various organizational forms and methods of a work.

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