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Пономарев, В.В.
    Технология интегральной оценки и контроля физкультурного образования школьников Крайнего Севера = Technology of Integral Evaluation and Control of Physical Training of Pupils Living in Far North
    // Физ. культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка. - 2002. - № 1. - С. 5-7. - Библиогр. (22 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FKVOT/2002N1/p5-7.htm

    -- 1. Крайний Север. 2. Россия. 3. Физические качества. 4. Общая физическая подготовка. 5. Физическая подготовленность. 6. Функциональная готовность. 7. Контроль. 8. Оценка интегральная. 9. Образование физкультурное. 10. Школьный возраст. 11. Критерии. 12. Оценка. 13. Двигательные действия. 14. Координационные способности. 15. Знание. 16. Комплекс ГТО. 17. Упражнения контрольные. 18. Экзамен. 19. Таблица. 20. Заболевания. 21. Нормы. 22. Нормативы. 23. Физическое воспитание. 24. Учреждение общеобразовательное. 25. Technology. 26. Integral evaluation. 27. Physical training. 28. pupils. 29. Criterions of evaluation. 30. levels.

    УДК 796.078                 ГРНТИ 77.03.13

    The climatic-geographical peculiarities of the Far North of Russia make unfavorable influence on the physical development and health of children during the school year. There are great overfalls on functional and physical indices of pupil's organism. It is necessary to use the modern control, evaluation and correction of all sides of the pedagogical process and physical training of pupils in the school year in opposition to unfavorable climatic-geographical factors. There was carried out the technology of the integral evaluation and control of the physical training of pupils living in the Far North, which includes the next criteria: the physical training (PT), physical preparedness (PP), functional preparedness (FP), acute disease (AD) and theoretical knowledge (TK). The integral evaluation of the physical education (PE) can be defined with the help of the next formula: PE=PT+PP+FP+AD+TK, where PE-results are counted in poins. The level of physical education is defined with the help of the developed table, according the score (low, medium, high).

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