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    Адаптация насосной функции сердца детей младшего школьного возраста к смене режимов двигательной активности = Adaptation of Pump Function of Younger School Age Children's Heart to Change of Modes of Motor Activity / Вахитов И.Х. [и др.]
    // Физ. культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка. - 2002. - № 1. - С. 21-23. - Библиогр. (11 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FKVOT/2002N1/p21-23.htm

    -- 1. Младший школьный возраст. 2. Программа физического воспитания. 3. Ударный объем крови. 4. Реография. 5. Возрастные особенности. 6. Адаптация. 7. Активность двигательная. 8. Частота сердечных сокращений. 9. Физическое воспитание. 10. Занятия физической культурой. 11. Сердце. 12. Таблица. 13. Возрастная физиология. 14. Тренированность. 15. Учреждение общеобразовательное. 16. Adaptation. 17. Decreased motor activity. 18. Pump function of heart. 19. cardiac rate. 20. Blow volume of blood. 21. Change of motor activity modes.

    УДК 796.01:612              ГРНТИ 77.05.05
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.13

    The process of children adaptation to study in the 1-st grade is accompanied by the significant decrease of the level of the motor activity. It is connected with the increase of the volume and intensity of intellectual loads and with the inclusion of the various additional forms of the education in the curriculum. The large amounts of time children are compelled to sit motionlessly at completing of home-works. Thus features of the pump function of younger school age children heart at change of the mode of the motor activity remain insufficiently investigated. The researches carried out by authors allow to draw the conclusion that daily occupations by the physical exercises within the first year of an education at school promote the development of a trained bradycardia and to increase the blow volume of blood. The given positive effect achieved during the muscular trainings in 1-st grade is kept and in the subsequent even at the decrease of the motor activity level. It allows to assert, that in children regularly engaging in daily muscular trainings, at early stages of development of an opportunity of adaptation of pump function of heart to change modes of motor activity are on the high level.

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