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    Факторы, определяющие эффективность бросков с дистанции в баскетболе у школьников старшего возраста = Factors Determining Efficiency of Throws from Distance in Basketball at Pupils of Advanced Age / Портнов Ю.М. [и др.]
    // Физ. культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка. - 2002. - № 3. - С. 22-25. - Библиогр. (16 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FKVOT/2002N3/p22-25.htm

    -- 1. Броски мяча. 2. Урок физической культуры. 3. Скоростно-силовые качества. 4. Баскетбол. 5. Старший школьный возраст. 6. Прыгучесть. 7. Защитные действия. 8. Структура. 9. Планирование. 10. Тренировка спортивная. 11. Эффективность. 12. Физическое воспитание. 13. Методический подход. 14. Результативность. 15. Динамический анализ. 16. Секция спортивная. 17. Измерительные устройства. 18. Фаза полета. 19. Применение компьютера. 20. Коэффициент корреляции. 21. Учреждение общеобразовательное. 22. pupils. 23. Basketball players. 24. Throws from distance. 25. Operating ratio jumpiness. 26. Resistance of full-back. 27. Interrelation of parameters. 28. Factors. 29. Structure. 30. planning. 31. lesson. 32. Training.

    УДК 796.078                 ГРНТИ 77.29.07
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.03
                                ГРНТИ 77.13.29
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.13

    The purpose of this the research was to study the factorial structure of a throw from a distance carried out by pupils to investigate the level of the development at them of the maximal jumpiness and degrees of jumpiness use at its performance to consider changes of hits, and also to measure existing interrelations between some parameters determining the productivity of the performance of this method. 56 15-16 aged pupils engaged in basketball at lessons and in sports sections has taken part in the research. The data of structural and dynamic characteristics of throws received by authors allow not only to determine the condition of preparedness of the pupils engaged in basketball, but to purposefully plan the contents of lessons on physical culture and section work also.

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