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Егорова, Н.С.
    Силовые упражнения на тренажерах специального типа в физической реабилитации больных остеохондрозом позвоночника = Power Exercises on Special Type of Sports Equipment in Physical Rehabilitation of Patients with Backbone Osteochondrosis
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2002. - № 2. - С. 18-20. - Библиогр. (12 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2002N2/p18-20.htm

    -- 1. Гимнастика суставная. 2. Выносливость силовая. 3. Индивидуализация. 4. Структура урока. 5. Остеохондроз позвоночника. 6. Реабилитация физическая. 7. Тренажеры. 8. Упражнения силовые. 9. Методы лечения. 10. Патогенез. 11. Водные процедуры. 12. Аэробика. 13. Массаж. 14. Мануальная терапия. 15. Дыхание. 16. Лечебная физическая культура. 17. Методика исследования. 18. Активность двигательная. 19. Аэробная направленность. 20. Осанка. 21. Спазмы. 22. Гемодинамика. 23. Боли. 24. Нагрузка. 25. Обучение движениям. 26. Контроль врачебный. 27. Мышцы. 28. Психотерапия. 29. Томография. 30. Работоспособность физическая. 31. Osteochondrosis. 32. Special rehabilitation equipment. 33. sports equipment. 34. power exercises.

    УДК 616-036.82/.85          ГРНТИ 76.35.35
                                ГРНТИ 77.13.25
                                ГРНТИ 76.35.41
                                ГРНТИ 76.29.61
                                ГРНТИ 76.29.52

    The author of this paper has offered to use the technique of physical rehabilitation based on power exercises with the special rahabilitation equipment in the combination with the water procedures, articulate gymnastics with the elements of aerobics, massage and an other manipulation for the rehabilitation of patients with the osteochondrosis. There the pedagogical experiment was carried out with the purpose of studying influence of the given technique on function of the motor-supporting apparatus and whole organism of the patients with the backbone osteochondrosis. 30 men and women aged 25-50, suffering the backbone osteochondrosis, with an average level of physical preparedness have taken part in the experiment. All patients characterized the changes of their general condition as positive. The pain, infringements of function of peripheral nerves have disappeared, the muscular power has increased, the reflexes and sensitivity were normalized, the condition of muscles and the volume of movements in joints were normalized, the bearing was corrected, the motor activity was improved. It has been appeared the opportunity for an independent housekeeping work, the public activity has increased, the psychological background was normalized. The received experience of rehabilitation of patients with osteochondrosis and Schmorl's hernia has shown the proof of the therapeutic effect of the method easily reproduced both in outpatient, and in stationary conditions. The presented method provides the restoration of full serviceability without the surgery of Schmorl's hernias practically at any age.

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