Сутула, В.А. Предпосылки физкультурологии = Preconditions of Physculturology // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2002. - № 3. - С. 21-24. - Библиогр. (45 назв.).
-- 1. Научные исследования. 2. Физкультурология. 3. Теория физической культуры. 4. Теория спорта. 5. Методология. 6. Социокультурологический подход. 7. Философский аспект. 8. Ценности. 9. Терминология. 10. Телесность. 11. Нравственность. 12. Physculturology. 13. Theory of physical culture. 14. Theory of sports. 15. Methodology. 16. scientific directions.
Физкультурология - наука, охватывающая все аспекты и направления физической культуры в их целостном восприятии.
The modern scientific directions, within the framework of which problems of physical culture are developed, the experience complex and revolutionary time on the boundary of two millennia. It is characterized by transition form empirical knowledge of biosocial essence of the personality to designing of the general concepts having integrative and prognosis character. There historically were some the scientific directions in the area of physical culture precisely enough differing on an object of research, on the produced methodology, on the degree of the level of scrutiny of a problematic and developing theories. The greatest theoretical and practical development was received with the theory of sports now. Within the framework of the second scientific direction, issued in area of physical culture, problems philosophical and culturelogical character are developed. Approaches to the study of these directions are considered in the article.