Библиографическая карточка
Библиографическая карточка |< Первая   < Предыдущая   Список   Запись   Следующая >   Последняя >|   На главную

ч. з.

Вульфсон, Б.Л.
    Мировое образовательное пространство на рубеже 20 и 21 вв.
    // Педагогика. - 2002. - № 10. - С. 3-14. - Библиогр. (8 назв.).

    -- 1. Европа. 2. Азия. 3. Америка. 4. Россия. 5. Детский возраст. 6. Образование высшее. 7. Экономика. 8. Глобализация. 9. ЮНЕСКО. 10. Статистика. 11. Таблица. 12. Молодежь. 13. Финансирование. 14. Учебное заведение высшее. 15. Стипендия. 16. Население.

    УДК 37                      ГРНТИ 14.01

    The purpose of the research was the perfection of pole-jumper endowments methods. The researching methods foresaw the appreciation of the build-up, physical, technique and psychological preparedness. The estimation of an individual dermatoglyphics type was foreseen also. The pedagogical experiments were carried out from 1978 up to 1998. Pole-jumpers of different skills and aged from 10 to 19 were tested. The authors have worked out the new approach to pole-jumper endowments diagnostics with the use of dermatoglyphics. They calculated the multiregression equations giving an opportunity to forecast the sport results of any young people aged from 14 to 19 on the bases of testing the results of jumpers in the age of 11.

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