Библиографическая карточка
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аб. х/л

Соловьева, Н.А.
    "Культурный материализм" - приближение к марксизму?
    // Вестн. Моск. ун-та. Сер. 9, Филология. - 2001. - № 5. - С. 7-13.

    -- 1. Уильямс Р. 2. Литературоведение. 3. Критика литературная. 4. "Культурный материализм". 5. Марксизм. 6. Теория литературы. 7. Идеология. 8. "Новый историзм".

    УДК 820.09

    The supination is one of ways of the overcoming of the anatomic restrictions of the movement of a human. The supination gives the maximal freedom of movements at the maximal observance of balance. Supinated position of the lower extremities did not meet anywhere during the evolution; The supination is anatomically unnatural and to a human body. The physical qualities in the development only expand the metric characteristics of the space of the movement, not changing its topological properties, but the supination changes the topological characteristics of the space of the movement.

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