Библиографическая карточка
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Ашкинази, Л.
    Литература седьмого сегмента, или "...почему люди снятся друг другу?"
    // Знамя. - 2001. - № 2. - С. 191-204.

URL HTTP://magazines.russ.ru/znamia/2001/2/ashkinazi.html

    -- 1. Литературоведение. 2. Интернет. 3. Литература. 4. FidoNet.

    УДК 82.09:004

    "The body diagram" is the complex synthetic image of an own body and its parts, formed in the brain of a person on the basis of perception, sensation of tactile, painful, vestibular, visual, acoustical and other irritations in the comparison to traces of the last touch experience. The body diagram is connected to not realized components of motor regulation, in particular with work of base, automatic mechanisms of pose regulation. Thus, the body diagram consists from the low, automatic, level (the subconscious level) and the top - the level of the internal representation of the body serving as the basis for the realized perception of the configuration of the body, an establishment of its orientation concerning an external world. At the top level of the body diagram there is the formation of the purpose of movement, its spatial orientation, the choice of necessary spatial and time scales of movement. However, notwithstanding that many knowledge on central questions of physical education of children is saved up, there is the problem of the absence of the mechanisms of their realization, in the particular to an individualization of the education.

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