Библиографическая карточка
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Ямбург, Е.А.
    Педагогика, психология, дефектология и медицина в модели адаптивной школы
    // Нар. образование. - 2002. - № 1. - С. 79-85; № 2. - С. 91-102.

    -- 1. Школа. 2. Человек. 3. Педагогика лечебная. 4. Дефектология. 5. Медицина. 6. Адаптация. 7. Учитель. 8. Психология. 9. Обучение. 10. Воспитание. 11. Кадры. 12. Педология. 13. Детский возраст. 14. Учебно-воспитательная работа. 15. Здоровье детей. 16. Наука. 17. Нагрузка.

    УДК 159.922                 ГРНТИ 15.31
    УДК 37.03                   ГРНТИ 14.07.03

    The experimental data about features of the interrelation of parameters of the mental and the motor development of preschool children are absent. The purpose of the research was the comparative analysis of the level of the psychomotor development of a city and countryside children. There were surveyed 403 children (212 boys and 191 girls) aged of 3-6 of Krasnodar (the regional centre) and Temruk (seaside). The common for children were age stability of interrelation of the sensory and intellectual component of the development. The motor parameter correlated with the level of the development of an intellectual component in the age of 3, 5 and 6 years. The common for preschool children living in a city and countryside, was an absence of the statistically significant distinctions in the level of an intellectual component of the development. However, countryside children in the age of 3-4 years only were much motor, whereas city children started to have advantage in the motor component of the development since 5 years of age.

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