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Артемов, А.Б.
    Организация физического воспитания студентов в МИИТе = Organization Physical Education of Students in MIIT / Артемов А.Б., Качурин А.И., Кремнева И.Г.
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2002. - № 5. - С. 20-22. - Библиогр. (5 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2002N5/p20-22.htm

    -- 1. Физическая подготовленность. 2. Программа физического воспитания. 3. Организация. 4. Студенческий спорт. 5. Специализация спортивная. 6. Виды спорта. 7. Графическая модель. 8. Физическое воспитание. 9. Вуз технический. 10. История развития. 11. Кафедра физического воспитания. 12. Тестирование. 13. Статистическая обработка. 14. Материально-техническая база. 15. Услуги платные. 16. Активность двигательная. 17. Контроль медицинский. 18. Образование высшее. 19. Physical education. 20. Organization. 21. Students. 22. specialization. 23. Kinds of sports.

    УДК 796.078                 ГРНТИ 77.03.13
                                ГРНТИ 77.13
                                ГРНТИ 76.35.41

    Заключение: организация системы физического воспитания студентов МГУПС (Московского государственного университета путей сообщения) по принципу специализации с возможностью варьирования разных видов спорта и дополнительных занятий оптимальна для решения задач, поставленных сегодня государственным стандартом перед физкультурным образованием.

    The faculty of physical training and sports of the Moscow state university of means of communication in September, 2001 has celebrated the 70th anniversary. The social and economic transformations occurring in our country, are reflected in system of physical education of students. The highest education was not prestigious and low-paid during perestroika. Now the highest education is prestigious and significant. Receipt in highest school needs the high level of knowledge. It is possible to achieve it only under the condition of preservation and strengthening of health, i.e. harmonious development of the person. More than 30 years the faculty has an own sports complex with pool. It allows to improve the system of physical education of students to find new forms of occupations, taking into account their interest, specialization in any kind of physical exercises. Such organization of occupations in the greater measure promotes the decision of tasks of this subject in the highest school. The role of physical training in the highest school becomes even more significant in modern conditions. It is necessary to constantly improve it, proceeding from inquiries of time. The organization of the system of physical training of MIIT students as the whole by the principle of specialization with an opportunity of the variation of different kinds of sports and additional occupations is optimum for the solving of the problems put in state standard before sports education.

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