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Вовк, С.И.
    Паузы в тренировочном процессе у женщин-спортсменок, вызванные беременностью, и их влияние на спортивные достижения = Pauses in Training Process in Female Athletes, Caused by Pregnancy, and their Influence on Achievements in Sport
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2002. - № 6. - С. 14-16. - Библиогр. (16 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2002N6/p14-16.htm

    -- 1. Организация проведения. 2. Женщины. 3. Беременность. 4. Методика исследования. 5. Тренировка спортивная. 6. Спортивные достижения. 7. Математические методы. 8. Таблица. 9. Виды спорта. 10. Выносливость аэробная. 11. Гликолиз. 12. Упражнения скоростно-силовые. 13. Максимальное потребление кислорода. 14. Циклические виды спорта. 15. Адаптация. 16. Социальный аспект. 17. Морфофункциональные особенности. 18. Специализация спортивная. 19. Медико-биологические показатели. 20. pregnancy. 21. female athletes. 22. Training process. 23. Achievements in sport.

    УДК 796.015                 ГРНТИ 77.03.03
                                ГРНТИ 76.29.48

    One of the basic biological functions of women - child-birth - imposes the certain restrictions on training of women during pregnancy. Female athletes during pregnancy and some time after it weaken training loads or interrupt the training process. Questions of these breaks influence on achievements in sport of female athletes are urgent in this connection. The literary data, the results of questioning and interviewing were used at the realization of the research. The logic-statistical analysis of the received data was carried out. The tactics of women's behavior during pregnancy and after it is very individual as results of the research have been shown. The duration of breaks in the basic sports training can be various on many factors - household, social, individual morphofunctional, mental, medical.

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